Mapping Quality by Gary68

Version 2.0

Info and statistics

file ../planet/liechtenstein.osm Mon Mar 23 07:10:16 2009

Type Count unmapped percent sparsely mapped percent
total 15 2 13% 4 26%
city 0 0 -% 0 -%
suburb 1 0 0% 1 100%
town 1 0 0% 0 0%
village 13 2 15% 3 23%

valid place areas found: 0
areas that could be assigned to a place node: 0, about 0 percent
open areas found: 0
areas without name found: 0

Unassigned place areas

way key way name way type JOSM

Unused place ways

Open Areas:

Areas without name:

Auto detected place sizes

total: 4
circle: 4


Place Distance Sparse Threshold Unmapped Threshold
city 4 4800 2400
suburb 0.5 60 30
town 1 400 200
village 0.5 60 30

Mean numbers per place type / DE Mittelwerte

Place Mean Nodes / Knoten Mean Hwy Res / Wohnstraßen Mean Hwy Res Length / Wohnstr.-Länge Mean Amenities / Annehmlichkeiten Mean Buildings / Gebäude
city99999 99999 99999 99999 99999
suburb39 0 0 0 0
town951 57 10 26 3
village109 7 2 1 0

Details unmapped/sparsely mapped

For details of all places see next section!

To decide whether a place is potentially mapped or sparsely mapped two numbers are used per place type to compare against the actual node count. Only nodes are counted that are located within a certain distance (per place) from the place node.

DE Um zu entscheiden, ob ein Ort kartografiert ist oder nicht werden zwei Schwellwerte je Ort-Typ herangezogen, gegen die die tatsächliche Node-Anzahl verglichen wird. Es werden nur Nodes innerhalb eines bestimmten Radius gewertet.

Place Type Near Attribute Node count
Eschen village Vaduz sparsely mapped 38
Nendeln village Vaduz sparsely mapped 56
Oberplanken suburb Vaduz sparsely mapped 39
Schaan village Vaduz unmapped 1
Thal village Vaduz unmapped 1
Triesenberg village Vaduz sparsely mapped 30

Details all information


Column Meaning/Explanation DE Bedeutung/Erklärung
Name Place Name Ort Name
TypePlace TypeOrt Typ
Popul.Population from same key or OpenGeoDB entryEinwohner
NearLocation of placeLiegt in der Nähe von
NodesNumber of nodes inside place distanceAnzahl Knoten
Fixme Ndsnumber of nodes with FIXME or similar tagAnzahl FIXME Knoten
Hwy Resnumber of highways=residential inside place distanceAnzahl Wohnstraßen
Res Lenlength of these residentialsLänge der Wohnstraßen
Res w/o n.number of residentials without name inside place distanceWohnstraßen ohne Name
Roadsnumber of roads inside place distanceAnzahl Roads
Fixme Waysnumber of ways with FIXME or similar tag inside place distanceAnzahl FIXME ways
Amenit.number of amenities inside place distanceAnzahl Annhemlichkeiten
Build.number of buildings inside place distanceAnzahl Gebäude


Place Type Rad(km) Popul. Near Nodes FIXME Nds Hwy Res Res Len Res w/o n. Roads FIXME ways Ameni. Buildings
Balzers 240100249 Local JOSM village auto circle 1.35 0Vaduz 427035 9 20080
Eschen 240056217 Local JOSM village default 0.5 0Vaduz 3802 1 00010
Gamprin 240080206 Local JOSM village default 0.5 0Vaduz 6602 1 20000
Mauren 240034259 Local JOSM village default 0.5 0Vaduz 11415 4 30020
Nendeln 240046176 Local JOSM village default 0.5 0Vaduz 5600 0 00000
Oberplanken 32011241 Local JOSM suburb auto circle 0.41 0Vaduz 3900 0 00000
Planken 32011242 Local JOSM village auto circle 0.41 0Vaduz 94012 4 10000
Ruggell 240120066 Local JOSM village default 0.5 0Vaduz 166018 3 40000
Schaan 240079149 Local JOSM village auto circle 0.9 0Vaduz 134010 4 100210
Schaan 240121902 Local JOSM village default 0.5 0Vaduz 100 0 00000
Schellenberg 240077147 Local JOSM village default 0.5 0Vaduz 13800 0 00000
Thal 240099632 Local JOSM village default 0.5 5996Vaduz 100 0 00000
Triesen 240092661 Local JOSM village default 0.5 0Vaduz 155010 1 00040
Triesenberg 240106262 Local JOSM village default 0.5 0Vaduz 3000 0 00000
Vaduz 240120358 Local JOSM town default 1 0- 951057 10 504263

0 hours, 0 minutes and 10 seconds