Touch Check by Gary68

Version 1.0


file ../planet/latvia.osm Sat Mar 28 06:52:48 2009
number ways total: 14232
number invalid ways (1 node only): 24
number check ways: 423
number against ways: 3684

Check ways: highway:motorway highway:motorway_link highway:trunk highway:trunk_link

Against: highway:primary highway:primary_link highway:secondary highway:tertiary junction:roundabout

Touches found

At the given location a node of one way nearly hits another way. Potentially there is a connection missing.

Line WayId1 WayId2 Distance OSM OSB JOSM Pic
1 22677548 26704566 ~ 0.8 m OSM OSB Local JOSM
2 26348982 32492028 ~ 0.0 m OSM OSB Local JOSM
3 26322310 26823283 ~ 0.0 m OSM OSB Local JOSM

3 lines total

0 hours, 0 minutes and 35 seconds